Как приятно начинать-таки сезон пикников в саду! Я очень люблю такие вечера, когда, собравшись всей семьёй, мы сидим под цветущим абрикосом, с простой и вкусной едой на столе, а вокруг поют птицы и жужжат пчёлы. Если есть на свете где-нибудь мой собственный рай, то он выглядит именно так!
It's a great pleasure to start a picnic season in a garden! A like these evenings very much, when we gather with the whole family, sit under the blooming apricot tree, with a simple and tasty food at the table, listening to the singing birds and buzzing bees. If on the Earth there's my own paradise, it looks like it!
It's a great pleasure to start a picnic season in a garden! A like these evenings very much, when we gather with the whole family, sit under the blooming apricot tree, with a simple and tasty food at the table, listening to the singing birds and buzzing bees. If on the Earth there's my own paradise, it looks like it!
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