26 февраля 2009 г.

Нужна группа поддержки!

Участвую я в конкурсе красоты вот здесь и очень нужна ваша поддержка и помощь в голосовании. Оно платное, так что просить никого не могу, но если вдруг - буду очень признательна. :) Как автор, я там под девичьей фамилией Бабак.

2 комментария:

  1. That is what we are here for, a support group. So I went to check. I ended up reading several of your poems and short stories. Of course they aren't perfect in translation, but still very very nice. I particularly enjoyed the story of the Gnome who was afraid of the dark! I read until my eyes are burning and now I must leave the computer, but I did take time to vote for you!! Lovely work.

  2. Thank you very much! It is very important for me when people read and say what they think, because silence means they don't feel anything about your works and that is a tragedy for any author.
